Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cheap Pop Culture Episode 23

We are back with a brand new episode. This week we discuss some new casting calls for "Deadpool". We also dive in to a hilarious story of a Drive-In Theater showing "Fifty Shades Of Grey", and why parents are upset about it. We also discuss the movies HUGE opening weekend. We talk a bit more about Spider-Man's role in "Civil War", and finally we briefly give some highlights from "SNL 40".


News Stories:
Have a question or topic you'd like us to cover on a future episode? Send us an Email and Nick and Perry will answer it on the show. Also, don't forget to like us on Facebook, and to go follow us on Twitter. We also have a YouTube channel you can subscribe too, if you wish to listen that way. Also, if you want, you can also Donate to the site. Any little bit helps, and all the money goes back into the site to help make it bigger and better.

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