We are back with another jam packed episode of Cheap Pop Culture. As always, we run down the box office from this past weekend and talk about the abysmal performance of "Terminator Genisys". We also discuss if we think the sequel will get made. We also touch on the Bill Cosby controversy, and why his supporters should also be held accountable. We also talk about a Han Solo movie being in the works, Early Comic-Con reveals, Jared from Subway getting investigated by the FBI, and much more!
News Stories:
- Bill Cosby is a rapist
- Jared from Subway being investigated by the FBI
- Harry Shearer returning to the Simpsons
- The new Batman armored suit looks amazing
- Marisa Tomei is the new Aunt May
- A Han Solo Movie is in the works
- Will Terminator Genisys even get a sequel?
- Terminator flops, Inside Out claims top spot
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